
Advanced TV Advertising Platform


TV Advertising


Product Design Lead
Addressable TV Self-service Platform
Addressable TV advertising is the ability to show different ads to different households while they are watching the same program. With the help of addressable advertising, advertisers can move beyond large-scale traditional TV ad buys, to focus on relevance and impact.
Cadent's self service platform was designed to allow advertisers to plan and execute ad campaigns and target very specific audiences across multiple data points including, but not limited to demographic, purchase history, geo location, tv viewing habits, hobbies, etc. At the time of launch, a self service platform for addressable advertising did not exist which gave the platform great value in the market.
End-to-end Journey Map
This end-to-end user journey map represents a step by step of the user's full experience including a guest user experience. The map documents all interactions that would take place across different touch points including Media Servicing (Cadent), Self Service (Addressable Platform UI), and Client side.
This map was created through many rounds of contextual inquiry with Cadent's Media Servicing team, as well as usability testing of prototypes with a beta group of potential Client level users.
- Assisted in defining product requirements
- Developed end to end user journeys
- Defined core user experience
- Designed user interface
- Collaborated directly with development from design to implementation
- Facilitated ongoing user testing and research tracks


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Comcast Xfinity

A next gen. tv experience

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politics informed

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TV Advertising

A self-service platform for Adressable TV advertising campaigns.