
Politics informed


Open Data
Political Engagement


Design Co-Founder
Head of Product
Candidate Matching Website
ElectNext was founded as a for-profit company in order to function as a values based, non-partisan organization to inform users on local, state, and federal politics. The ElectNext website was launched for the 2012 Presidential Election. The website’s value proposition was to provide voters with the knowledge of how candidates in every party aligned with the user's personal views. The site allowed users to rank categories in order of importance. Within each category, users agreed or disagreed with specific political issues. The more responses a user offered, the more accurate the candidate matching algorithm. After candidate matches, users viewed candidates' stands on each issue compared to their own. My role on this effort was Design Co-Founder, Head of Product.
Politician Baseball Card Widget
The political baseball card was a widget developed as a product for our media partners. The widget would inject itself at the bottom of any article that mentioned any politician contained in our database. The “baseball card” gave the reader of the article an objective view of the mentioned politician, and contained information such as issue stances, funding sources, and election info.
Media Widget
The media widget was developed as a user acquisition tool. A version of the ElectNext site was found on media partners’ websites.
- Defined product requirements and feature metrics
- Defined core user experience
- Designed user interface
- Wrote user stories and maintained a backlog
- Facilitated ongoing user testing and research tracks


Attaining financial goals

A concept prototype for a tool designed to engage millennials in better financial habits. The concept was built to focus on the financial impact of an individual's life goals.

Comcast Xfinity

A next gen. tv experience

A multi-faceted approach to cable, Comcast's Xfinity service offers the X1 TV experience and the XTV mobile apps for customers to maximize content viewing.


politics informed

A suite of tools built around open data, ElectNext's intent was to inform and engage people on politicians' views of their most valued issues.


TV Advertising

A self-service platform for Adressable TV advertising campaigns.