UBS Wealth Management App

attaining financial goals


Financial Technology
Wealth Management


Product Design Lead

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UBS Apps
Wealth Management Application For Millenials
The above invision prototype was created in collaboration with UBS as a potential strategy to expand their market reach to millennials. The target market was specifically defined as millennials who may seek UBS's Wealth Management services in the future, or young people with potential to be high-wealth adults. The concept focused on helping the user consider the financial implications of life goals. Life goals may include; saving for retirement, going on vacation, buying large ticket items, etc. The look, feel, and experience of the prototype intended to reflect UBS’s branding and at the same time, appeal to our target audience. My role on this effort was Product Designer, UX Lead.
- Defined core user experience
- Researched market competitors
- Facilitated client workshops to define concept value proposition


Attaining financial goals

A concept prototype for a tool designed to engage millennials in better financial habits. The concept was built to focus on the financial impact of an individual's life goals.

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