HLI Health Nucleus



Consumer Healthcare


Product Designer
User Experience, Lead
Customer On-Boarding / Dashboard
The on-boarding portal and customer dashboard were enormously important to the Health Nucleus service, and a requirement for any customer interested in HLI's unique product. This portion of the service was where customers provided their personal/family medical history, signed consent forms, made payments, and scheduled appointments for Genomic and Biomic testing. My role on this effort was Product Designer, UX Lead.
Genomic / Biomic Data Report
The above invision prototype represents an early prototype of the Genomic and Biomic reporting application that HLI's customers received after completing their on-boarding and any required testing. The report was delivered to customers on a tablet, each as a bespoke/personal build in order to allow the information being presented to be completely individualized. The reporting application allowed each user to explore their own Genomic and Biomic data in the most personal way. My role on this effort was Product Designer, UX Lead.
- Lead an onsite/remote team of designers
- Planned for multiple rounds of usability testing
- Facilitated requirement workshops
- Defined core user experience
- Defined and maintained a user interface component library for rapid prototyping


Attaining financial goals

A concept prototype for a tool designed to engage millennials in better financial habits. The concept was built to focus on the financial impact of an individual's life goals.

Comcast Xfinity

A next gen. tv experience

A multi-faceted approach to cable, Comcast's Xfinity service offers the X1 TV experience and the XTV mobile apps for customers to maximize content viewing.


politics informed

A suite of tools built around open data, ElectNext's intent was to inform and engage people on politicians' views of their most valued issues.


TV Advertising

A self-service platform for Adressable TV advertising campaigns.